Urgent Call to Prayer: Stand with Brother Yohanna in Syria

Thank you all for your continued prayers for Brother Yohanna. Over the past three weeks, we struggled to communicate with him. Today, by God’s grace, we were able to speak with him at length. It is truly amazing to witness the grace of Christ in his life amidst such overwhelming chaos.

Two weeks ago, a missile struck Yohanna’s house, partially destroying it. Following this, some raiders looted his home, leaving his family with nothing. His village is caught in a violent conflict between two extremist groups, and lives are being lost daily. Brother Yohanna has asked us to continue praying for him and his family during this challenging time.

Hearing this news, I initially felt at a loss for words, unsure of how to comfort him. Yet, Yohanna’s faith and testimony left me in awe. He told me, “My Father, Jesus, will protect us. Jesus is so close to me, and I have the love and peace of Christ in me.”

Remarkably, Yohanna has also shared his faith with his family. He courageously told his father that Jesus is the true God and has even begun reading the Bible with him. Yohanna shared that he is experiencing peace with God and feels the nearness of Jesus in his life.

This situation has been a powerful reminder of God’s sovereignty over every circumstance. While we were deeply concerned about Yohanna’s trials, our Lord used these hardships to strengthen His child and draw others closer to Him. What the enemy intended for evil, God has used for good. How great is the wisdom of our God! Who can separate us from His love?

As the Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 8:37-39:
“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Please continue to uphold Brother Yohanna and his family in your prayers as they remain steadfast in faith through these trials.

Footnote: Ecclesia United International is not raising any funds for Syria at this time.

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