Silent Suffering: Unveiling the Plight of Christians in Pakistan and Urgent Call for Support

The persecution of Christians has been a significant concern in Pakistan, with numerous instances of discrimination, violence, and legal challenges faced by the Christian community. Despite Christians making up only 1.8% of the total population, Pakistan is listed among the first 10 countries with the highest rates of Christian persecution.


Pakistan’s stringent blasphemy laws, known for their controversy, have resulted in the persecution of individuals from religious minority groups, particularly Christians. Accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan carry severe consequences, often leading to imprisonment and violence. According to the Center for Social Justice, a Pakistani advocacy group, a staggering 1,472 people were charged under the blasphemy provisions from 1987 to 2016.


In recent years, Christians in Pakistan have been subjected to escalating violence and attacks on their communities, churches, and individuals. These distressing incidents are often fueled by religious intolerance, societal tensions, and radical political factors associated with extremist factions within Islam. A particularly alarming event occurred on August 16, 2023, when twenty-six Christian churches in Jaranwala, Punjab, Pakistan were deliberately set ablaze in acts of arson. Additionally, homes belonging to Christian families were looted and destroyed by Muslim rioters, amplifying the gravity.


Christians in Pakistan encounter discrimination across different facets of life, encompassing education, employment, and social interactions. Disturbing reports also highlight instances of forced conversions, particularly affecting religious minority women, including Christians. These cases evoke concerns about the safeguarding of religious freedom and the rights of minority communities. Moreover, Christians often confront obstacles in achieving adequate political representation and meaningful participation in decision-making processes.


As an international organization dedicated to supporting persecuted Christians, Ecclesia United International is actively engaged in raising awareness about the challenges confronted by religious minorities in Pakistan and advocating for their rights. Our efforts encompass a range of initiatives, including advocacy for religious freedom, pursuing legal reforms, and fostering interfaith dialogue. We are steadfast in our commitment to protecting the rights of religious minorities and contributing to the realization of a more inclusive society in Pakistan.


Ecclesia United International actively engages with representatives in the US Congress, Senate, and government officials to advocate for religious freedom and the protection of minority rights in Pakistan.


You can support us by sharing information about the plight of persecuted Christians in Pakistan with your friends, family, and social networks. Utilize social media platforms to disseminate the updates we provide, helping raise awareness about the challenges they face. Encourage others to join the cause and amplify the impact of our efforts.


Extend your prayers for the safety, well-being, and resilience of persecuted Christians in Pakistan. Prayer is a powerful means to show solidarity and support.


Through Ecclesia United International, you can also actively contribute by identifying and supporting local initiatives within Pakistan. We collaborate with various programs aimed at promoting religious tolerance and aiding persecuted Christians. These initiatives encompass educational programs, community development projects, and efforts dedicated to fostering interfaith harmony