Ecclesia United International is reaching out to Low Income families and cities across the US. These are the things we do to make our goals possible.
Food Drive
Our Food Drive will include supplying:
Lunch Packs, Fresh fruits and vegetables, Bread, Crackers, Bagels, Assorted Cereal, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Cake Mix, Rice, Macaroni and Pasta, Canned goods (Ex: fruits, vegetables, meats, soups, beans), Juice, Snacks (Ex: chips, cookies, crackers, granola bars, fruit snacks), Salad Dressing, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Relish, Mustard
Cloth Drive for poor people
Our Cloth Drive will include supplying:
Socks T-shirts, Shorts, Sandals, Sneakers, Hats, Gloves, Jackets, Scarves, Boots, Sweatpants, Sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts, Dress shirts.
Low Income Family Drive
Our Family Drive for the low-income families will include supplying:
School Supplies, T-shirts and shorts, Shower gels and body wash (for dispensers), Shampoo & Conditioner, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Combs and hairbrushes, Flip-flops, Wash Cloths, Towels, Masks, Hand sanitizer, Hand soap, cleaning wipes, Chapstick, Deodorant, Shampoo and conditioner, Lotion, Tampons & pads, Razors, Toothpaste and toothbrushes, Diapers, First aid kits, band aids, Tissues, Toilet paper, Paper towels, Blanket, Backpacks, Belts
Shelter Drive
Our Shelter Drive for the homeless individuals will include supplying:
Shampoo, soap, shaving supplies, tampons. Travel-size products allow individuals to carry these supplies in their own bags, as well. Socks, Toothbrush + Toothpaste, Peanut butter crackers, Applesauce, Granola bar, Mints, Lip balm, First-aid kit with single-dose packs of Advil, band-aids, and antibiotic ointment, High-quality waterproof bag, Personal hygiene products, medical supplies, Socks, Menstrual hygiene products
Personal Evangelization
Distribution of Bibles, Bible Study Materials and Tracts
Collaboration with Local Churches and Organizations
Ecclesia United International will be collaborating with local churches and organizationsin leadership development and apologetics ministry.
Support Groups
EUI will focus on running support groups for porn addiction, drug and alcohol use, Depression and Anxiety in spiritual preceptive.
Seminars and Workshops
EUI will be conducting seminars and workshops in different topics related to job development, community resources, mental health and medical issues. EUI seminars will also include information for re-entry clients to gain resources for expunging their records, and community resources. Other seminar topics include how to navigate your insurance, and the healthcare system. At Seminar workshops journals, daily/yearly planners will be distributed.